Cloud Database
Migrate, manage, and modernize data with secure, reliable, and highly available databases
AWS DB OracleRp. 14,826,857monthly
Storage for each RDS instance (General Purpose SSD (gp2))
Storage amount (100 GB)
Number of RDS for Oracle instances (1)
Instance type (db.t3.large)
Utilization (On-Demand only) (100 %Utilized/Month)
Deployment option (Multi-AZ)
License (License included)
Database edition (Standard One)
Pricing strategy (OnDemand)
Additional backup storage (200 GB)
AWS DB MySQLRp. 9,881,563monthly
Storage for each RDS instance (General Purpose SSD (gp2))
Storage amount (100 GB)
Quantity (1)
Instance type (db.t3.large)
Utilization (On-Demand only) (100 %Utilized/Month)
Deployment option (Multi-AZ)
Pricing strategy (OnDemand)
Additional backup storage (200 GB)
AWS DB PostgreRp. 10,540,434monthly
Storage volume (General Purpose SSD (gp2))
Storage amount (100 GB per month)
Nodes (1)
Instance Type (db.t3.large)
Utilization (On-Demand only) (100 %Utilized/Month)
Deployment Option (Multi-AZ)
Pricing Model (OnDemand)
Additional backup storage (200 GB)